[ARENA] Call for participation: Interactive Art Competition: iNTERFACES

Luís Teixeira lteixeira porto.ucp.pt
Segunda-Feira, 21 de Janeiro de 2013 - 17:03:23 WET

With the aim of promoting contemporary artistic digital creation and publicize the interactive works of national and international artists, the line of action in Digital Arts of the CITAR - Centre for Research on Science and Technology of the Arts, in partnership with the School of Arts of the Portuguese Catholic University, presents the Interactive Art Competition iNTERFACES (http://www.artes.ucp.pt/interfaces).

One of the competitions main objectives is to divulge the competing works to the general public, as well as to digital artists with participating works. The winners exhibition will take place  during the 10th International Audiovisual Festival Black&White (http://www.artes.ucp.pt/b&w) at School of the Arts of the Portuguese Catholic University. A digital repository of all works submitted will also be assembled, in order to give a general view of works created for international calls and competitions by artists from all over the world.
Submissions in the following areas will be considered:
- Interactive audiovisual installation
- Interactive Sound Installation
- Web Art
- Electronic Art
- Interactive or augmented Architecture
- Interactive Dance or Performance
- Interactive Film or Video
- Hypertext and Hyper Narrative
- Virtual and augmented Reality

Submitted works must be received until the 31st of March 2013.

For more informations about the Regulation or the Enrollment process please visit the iNTERFACES web page:


Waiting for your interactive works, in my name and that of all the team,
Carlos Sena Caires


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